How to use the Say HELO! platform to enhance your skills and career prospects.

You can find the video resources from the platfrom, split into even more accessible shorter videos, plus so much more!


Our instruction videos and guidance in bite sized format.

Click on the questions below to reveal the answers.

Do I need specialist equipment to record my video?

No, you can use your mobile phone, computer or tablet – anything that can record a video.
We will teach you how to do it and will upgrade the sound on your video for free!

How do I choose where to record my video?

There are 3 key areas – watch the video to find out more.
1. Quiet Location
2. Tidy Background
3. Good Lighting

How do I choose a quiet location to record?

Record at a time where you wont be disturbed by people or pets.
Have as little background noise as possible.
This is usually easier to control indoors than outdoors.
Close windows and turn off anything that makes a noise – fans, music, TVs etc.
Turn off all phone notifications.

What should I have in the background of my video?

It’s easiest to film in front of a plain painted wall.
If this isn’t possible please tidy the background as much as possible.
We want the focus to be on you not an untidy background.

How do I get good lighting?

Natural sunlight is best so stand or sit in front of a window in daytime if possible.
Have the light source directly in front of your face but behind the recording device (your phone or computer).
Don’t have the light behind you.
Try and get even lighting across your face.

Example Present Videos

Check out some examples videos we’ve received from some amazing candidates.
Thank you to them and for their permission to use as examples.